Effective Business Handover: 5 Things To Consider In The Contract


Taking over an existing business is not like buying a second-hand car because you can't just pick up the keys and get going. When you buy somebody else's business, you always have a lot to sort out, so an effective, detailed handover is a vital part of the process. The best way to achieve the results you want is to detail the terms of the handover in the contract, but some new business owners aren't sure what to include.

3 March 2015

Say No More To Sneezes: How Your Air Conditioner Can Keep Your Allergies At Bay


Summer is almost over and here comes autumn—but for many people this means runny noses, watering eyes and constant sneezing. It is estimated that up to 1 in 3 Australians suffer from a pollen allergy, and 1 in 5 will experience hay fever. While gene studies are starting to tell scientists more about what causes allergies so they can be treated more accurately in the future, there are a few ways that your air conditioner can help control your allergies right now.

24 February 2015

Business Cards For Bloggers: Five Tips For Success

Business Articles

To be a successful blogger, you need to run, promote and brand your blog as if it is a business. As part of that process, you need fabulous, eye-catching and professional business cards. You can easily design your own business cards online. Here are five tips to take in mind while designing your business cards: 1. Create a great first impression If someone has never been to your blog before, your business card is their first impression.

19 February 2015

A Vehicle Wrap Can Constantly Campaign For Your Real Estate Business


Like any local real estate agent, you need to carefully watch every dollar you spend on your advertising budget. You need each investment you make in business signs to provide a good return and bring in new customers. That is why making an outlay on a vehicle wrap may be the best possible advertising purchase you can make. Here's why: You Can Reach Your Precise Target Audience: Some advertising methods such as yellow pages, newspapers and television can be wasteful in that they do not allow you to target your audience as specifically as you need.

18 February 2015

Five Conversation Starters To Use During Your Next Live Phone Chat

Relationships & Family Articles

You've always wanted to call a live phone chat service, but quite frankly, you feel worried about what to say when the person on the other end of the phone picks up. You can relax, knowing that live phone chat professionals are happy to lead the conversation, and their experience makes most callers feel relaxed and at home right away. However, if you want to be armed with a few conversation starters anyway, here are five effective gems you should consider:

29 January 2015

Road Crew Managers: Five Safety Features You Need In A Truck Mounted Attenuator

Business Articles

Also known as crash cushions, truck mounted attenuators are units that you attach to trucks to reduce the impact of motor vehicle collisions to those trucks. In many cases, truck mounted attenuators are attached to large trucks which sit on the road between construction crews and traffic. Truck mounted attenuators notify drivers of the work zone while simultaneously protecting the area and the people in it. If you are looking for truck mounted attenuators to keep your crew safe as they work in the road, look for ones that offer the following safety features:

26 January 2015

The ultimate guide to planning an outdoor wedding reception

Business Articles

When you are planning your wedding day, you are probably mostly focused on the actual ceremony, but the reception is just as important. This is the time when you, your partner and your friends and family can let that hair down and actually celebrate your nuptials. If you choose to get married in the summer, it can be a great idea to host a wedding reception outside. Perhaps your wedding venue has a beautiful outdoor space attached to it, or maybe you have a large enough back garden to host a wedding reception on your own property.

26 January 2015

Can you prevent your kids from developing asthma?

Business Articles

As a parent, you want your children to live with the very best health. But is there anything that you can actually do to ensure that your children don't become asthmatic? This is difficult to say because asthma can be caused by a number of environmental and genetic factors. If your child has a genetic predisposition to asthma, you may not be able to prevent them from developing the condition. But this doesn't mean that you should create a home environment in which asthma can thrive either.

13 January 2015

Project Managers: 5 Reasons Why It's Better To Outsource UAT

Business Articles

User acceptance testing (UAT) is a critical part of any technology project. Developers can accurately work from a requirement specification, but it's vital that 'real' users (or testers who can act in the same way) test and confirm that the changes made are fit for its purpose. Many businesses choose to conduct UAT with internal resources, but an increasing number of project managers now outsource this critical part of the project workflow.

12 January 2015

Organising A Storage System For Your Growing Boy

Home & Garden Articles

Are you tired of battling with your son's untidy bedroom? Perhaps the system of plastic cubes that worked well when he was a toddler is no longer coping. His larger sized clothes and growing toy collection demand a more practical solution. It's time to choose a built-in wardrobe and organise it to cater to his needs as a growing boy. However, it can be a challenge to know exactly where to start.

8 January 2015