Embracing Quirky Ideas in Your Business

Hi, my name is Catherine, and I love thinking about the connections between things that seem extremely different. That includes thinking about marketing strategies when I watch independent films. Based on my favourite films, I have stumbled across a lot of unique ideas. My ideas encompass how to attract clients, how to surprise them, how to create an emotional brand and more. Although my ideas are generated watching films, they are backed up with therapies I have learned while working in the business world and studying marketing at university. If you own a business or are thinking about starting one, take a seat and start reading. I hope that you enjoy my blog!

How Aerial Photography Can Benefit Your Farm

Business Articles

Like many farmers, no doubt you would enjoy having a beautifully framed aerial photograph of your property displayed above your mantelpiece. The remarkable panorama and unique bird's eye view would please your family, friends and visitors alike.

However, there are many more ways that aerial photography can benefit your farm and support you with its management. Increasingly, farmers are looking to gain assistance from above as technology takes to the skies. Discover the ways that aerial farm photography is being used to help in agriculture and how you, too, might gain some of its advantages.

Identifying Productivity Issues

Annual photos of crops at key times throughout the growing cycle allows for accurate comparison against previous years and assists in gauging how well they are performing. The technology allows high definition photographs to be collated and joined together to create one large aerial survey of the property. You are also able to zoom in to look at each area closely.

This feature helps in the quick identification of any problems such as areas with insufficient nourishment and nutrients or perhaps deficiency in water requirements. On the other hand areas that are performing well can also be noted. These are important factors in determining just what is needed to increase productivity and create the perfect harvest.

Examples of issues that can be picked up from an aerial view

  • Uneven spreading of fertiliser – where pale and stunted strips show up between the vigorous, green, healthy ones
  • Areas of weeds – appear as silvery grass patches where there is no crop growth
  • Mice damage – can be detected with the high resolution photographs

This information is invaluable and can be used to eradicate weeds and ensure the correct amount of fertiliser is used and spread evenly over the entire crop. It can also alert you to rodent infestations and give you an idea of where pest management techniques are needed.

Understanding Basics Of Aerial Farm Photography

The high resolution photography is made possible by filming from only a few thousand meters above ground level in optimum conditions. The weather needs to be favourable and reasonably cloud free to avoid shadows. Spring is the ideal time as the plants are in their most vigorous growing phase. The resulting images are captured in extreme detail and clarity.

Quite often these images are compatible with certain software applications that will allow farmers to take a laptop into the paddocks to add additional details to the image based on other factors such as soil sampling and conducting water probes.

Looking To The Future

The trend in farming is leading toward the use of more data-driven applications. Technological innovation means farmers are able to grow more with less labour.

UAV's or Unmanned Ariel Vehicles are beginning to appear as efficient ways to collect data. By flying over the paddocks, these mechanically simple vehicles can collect images and are easily operated on autopilot.

  • These drones can operate from only a few meters above the ground which provides a superb perspective for farmers. Additionally the technology is becoming increasingly more affordable for the average farmer.
  • The huge advantage is that crops can be surveyed frequently because of the reduced cost of the drones. Farmers can choose weekly or even daily surveys if they desire.

Soon it will be possible for farmers to know the situation of almost every plant on the farm. Problems will be spotted before they take hold and chemicals and fertilisers will be applied with precision. They will use only the smallest quantities of pesticides and fungicides to benefit the environment.

Now you have an idea of how aerial photography can help your farming and allow you to increase productivity now and towards the future. Why not make a small start in using a little of this technology. Arrange for an aerial farm photography such as 3D Mapping Solutions company to come and take a superb shot of your property to display in your home. After that you can begin to think about using some of the other astonishing benefits.


11 December 2014